The cost of treatment for a child with Autism can be prohibitive for most families. For example, some children need the recommended 40 hours of therapy a week, and at an hourly rate of $60, this runs close to $100,000 a year. Behaviour therapy may need to continue for several years until the child can attend school. Single parent families find it impossible to afford $100 a week, let alone the $2400 a week needed. Consequently children from these families rely on the $6000 a year for 2 years provided by the Government. These families cannot afford the nutrient supplements required either.
A major aim of the Foundation is to raise funds to support families whose circumstances prevent them from getting appropriate treatment for their child with Autism or ADHD. Often these are single mother families with one or more children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. These mothers cannot work to pay for treatment as they cannot find suitable carers. They also cannot afford consultations with specialists, nor can they aford the dietary requirements and nutritional supplementation that is often required. Hence their children do not get appropriate treatment.
It is our aim to provide subsidised or Pro-Bono treatment to such families. Of course this will need to be supported by fundraising and obtaining grants from Government departments. We need lots of people with a social conscience to give a small amount each year. The yearly membership amount of $50 is about the cost of a restaurant meal, and would give a child with autism a one-hour session of therapy. Each child with Autism requires around 20-40 sessions a week of therapy. So, if we rely on membership alone, We would need the annual membership dues from 1500 members to support one child for a year. Hence, donations over and above annual membership dues would go a long way to help.