
There is ample evidence from clinical practice that certain treatment options seem to give excellent results. For example the combination of the following may offer best treatment practice:

  • Gluten and Dairy Free diet, with minimal processed foods, free of additives, preservatives and colourings. Such a diet requires fish, lean grass-fed meat, lamb and chicken fed a grain-free vegetarian diet.
  • Nutritional supplements to replace the low mineral levels of our Australian soil, Omega 3 (fish-oils) , zinc, magnesium and other nutrients to repair the gut wall, body and brain cell structures.
  • Intensive behaviour therapy based on the highly researched and successful Pivotal Response Treatment model developed by professors Robert and Lynn Koegle at the University of California at Santa Barbara.

Although, each of the above has excellent merits in their own right, using this combination seems to give best results. However, it needs to be proven experimentally so that it becomes main-stream clinical practice. One of the Foundation's main objectives is to establish a centralised cloud database of data about these treatment. This would include data from behavioural measures across time, laboratory test results (e.g. Bloods, genetics, faecal microbiology)

The foundation will be running training courses to provide training for health professionals in the application of these treatments, and educate the public about these treatment options. We will also publish papers to disseminate this information, and present at conferences in Australia and overseas.

Australian Autism ADHD Foundation

2/314 Manningham Rd Doncaster VIC 3108 Australia
E-mail: info@autism-adhd.org.au

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